
Wall Wrappers


These classes inherit from the classes listed above, but make some adjustments to compensate for dissimilarities in in Wall Families.

When retrieving the FamilySymbol from an instance, and the Family from a Symbol, one might uses instance.Symbol and symbol.Family.

Unfortunately, this would not be the case with Wall Elements. A Wall Instance is actually a DB.Wall; the Family Type of a wall is not a DB.FamilySymbol type, but a DB.WallType; and instead of .Family, walls use .Kind.

These wrappers create a more consistent navigation by allowing to retrieve the “symbol” and “family” of a wall using: wall.symbol, and wall.family

>>> wall = rpw.db.Wall(SomeWallInstance)
>>> wall.symbol
<rpw: WallType % DB.WallType | type:Wall 1>
>>> wall.family
<rpw: WallKind % DB.WallKind | type:Basic 1>
class rpw.db.Wall(element, doc=None)

Bases: rpw.db.family.FamilyInstance

Inherits base FamilyInstance and overrides symbol attribute to get Symbol equivalent of Wall - WallType (GetTypeId)

__init__(element, doc=None)

Main Element Instantiation

>>> from rpw import db
>>> wall = db.Element(SomeElementId)
<rpw: WallInstance % DB.Wall >
>>> wall.parameters['Height']
>>> wall.parameters.builtins['WALL_LOCATION_LINE']
Parameters:element (Element Reference) – Can be DB.Element, DB.ElementId, or int.
Returns:Instance of Wrapped Element.
Return type:Element

Wrapped DB.Category of the DB.Wall


Change Wall Type

Parameters:wall_type_reference (ElementId, WallType, str) – Wall Type Reference
classmethod collect(**kwargs)

Collect all elements of the wrapper using the default collector. This method is defined on the main Element wrapper, but the collector parameters are defined in each wrapper. For example, WallType uses the _collector_params: {‘of_class’: DB.WallType, ‘is_type’: True}

These default collector parameters can be overriden by passing keyword args to the collectors call.

>>> from rpw import db
>>> wall_types_collector = db.WallType.collect()
<rpw:Collector % FilteredElementCollector [count:4]>
>>> wall_types_collector.get_elements()  # All Wall Types
[<rpw:WallType [name:Wall 1] [id:1557]>, ... ]
>>> wall_types_collector.get_elements()
[<rpw:Area % DB.Area | Rentable:30.2>]
>>> rooms = db.WallInstance.collect(level="Level 1")
[<rpw:WallInstance % DB.Wall symbol:Basic Wall>]

Deletes Element from Model



(bool, DB.Element) None if element not in Assembly, else
returns Element

Get Wall Category


Get WallKind Alias


Other DB.FamilyInstance of the same DB.FamilySymbol


Get Wall Type Alias


Get Wall Type


**Returns* – (bool)* – True if element is inside an AssemblyInstance


Name Property


Other DB.FamilyInstance of the same DB.FamilySymbol


Get’s Element Type using the default GetTypeId() Method. For some Elements, this is the same as element.Symbol or wall.WallType

Parameters:doc (DB.Document, optional) – Document of Element [default: revit.doc]
Returns:Wrapped rpw.db.Element element type
Return type:(Element)

Returns the Original Wrapped Element

class rpw.db.WallType(element, doc=None)

Bases: rpw.db.family.FamilySymbol, rpw.utils.mixins.ByNameCollectMixin

Inherits from FamilySymbol and overrides:
  • wall_kind() to get the Family equivalent of Wall (.Kind)
  • Uses a different method to get instances.
__init__(element, doc=None)

Main Element Instantiation

>>> from rpw import db
>>> wall = db.Element(SomeElementId)
<rpw: WallInstance % DB.Wall >
>>> wall.parameters['Height']
>>> wall.parameters.builtins['WALL_LOCATION_LINE']
Parameters:element (Element Reference) – Can be DB.Element, DB.ElementId, or int.
Returns:Instance of Wrapped Element.
Return type:Element
classmethod by_name(name)

Mixin to provide instantiating by a name for classes that are collectible. This is a mixin so specifi usage will vary for each for. This method will call the rpw.db.Element.collect method of the class, and return the first element with a matching .name property.

>>> LinePatternElement.by_name('Dash')
<rpw:LinePatternElement name:Dash>
>>> FillPatternElement.by_name('Solid')
<rpw:FillPatternElement name:Solid>
classmethod by_name_or_element_ref(reference)

Mixin for collectible elements. This is to help cast elements from name, elemente, or element_id


Wrapped DB.Category of the DB.Wall

classmethod collect(**kwargs)

Collect all elements of the wrapper using the default collector. This method is defined on the main Element wrapper, but the collector parameters are defined in each wrapper. For example, WallType uses the _collector_params: {‘of_class’: DB.WallType, ‘is_type’: True}

These default collector parameters can be overriden by passing keyword args to the collectors call.

>>> from rpw import db
>>> wall_types_collector = db.WallType.collect()
<rpw:Collector % FilteredElementCollector [count:4]>
>>> wall_types_collector.get_elements()  # All Wall Types
[<rpw:WallType [name:Wall 1] [id:1557]>, ... ]
>>> wall_types_collector.get_elements()
[<rpw:Area % DB.Area | Rentable:30.2>]
>>> rooms = db.WallInstance.collect(level="Level 1")
[<rpw:WallInstance % DB.Wall symbol:Basic Wall>]

Deletes Element from Model


Get Wall Category


Returns: Family: Wrapped DB.Family of the symbol


Returns all Instances of this Wall Types


Returns: [DB.FamilySymbol]: List of symbol Types

of the same Family (unwrapped)

Returns DB.Family of the Symbol


Returns all Instances of this Wall Types


Name Property


Get’s Element Type using the default GetTypeId() Method. For some Elements, this is the same as element.Symbol or wall.WallType

Parameters:doc (DB.Document, optional) – Document of Element [default: revit.doc]
Returns:Wrapped rpw.db.Element element type
Return type:(Element)

Returns the Original Wrapped Element


Returns DB.Family of the Symbol

class rpw.db.WallKind(revit_object, enforce_type=True)

Bases: rpw.base.BaseObjectWrapper

Equivalent of Family but is Enumerator for Walls.

Can be Basic, Stacked, Curtain, Unknown

__init__(revit_object, enforce_type=True)

Child classes can use self._revit_object to refer back to Revit Element


Any Wrapper that inherits and overrides __init__ class MUST ensure _revit_object is created by calling super().__init__ before setting any self attributes. Not doing so will cause recursion errors and Revit will crash. BaseObjectWrapper should define a class variable _revit_object_class to define the object class being wrapped.


Returns all Wall instances of this given Wall Kind


Get Wall Types Alias


Get Wall Types Alias


Returns all Wall instances of this given Wall Kind


Retuns Pretty Name as shown on UI – Basic > Basic Wall


Returns the Original Wrapped Element

class rpw.db.WallCategory(revit_object, enforce_type=True)

Bases: rpw.db.category.Category

DB.Category Wall Category Wrapper

_revit_object (DB.Family): Wrapped DB.Category
__init__(revit_object, enforce_type=True)

Child classes can use self._revit_object to refer back to Revit Element


Any Wrapper that inherits and overrides __init__ class MUST ensure _revit_object is created by calling super().__init__ before setting any self attributes. Not doing so will cause recursion errors and Revit will crash. BaseObjectWrapper should define a class variable _revit_object_class to define the object class being wrapped.


Returns BuiltInCategory of the Category


Returns DB.WallKind elements in the category


Returns DB.WallKind elements in the category

Returns:List of Symbol Instances in the Category.
Return type:(DB.FamilyInstance)
Returns:List of Symbol Types in the Category
Return type:Symbols (DB.FamilySymbol)

Returns name of the Category


Returns the Original Wrapped Element


import rpw
from rpw import revit, DB
from rpw.db import Element
from rpw.db import FamilyInstance, FamilySymbol, Family, Category
from rpw.base import BaseObjectWrapper
from rpw.utils.logger import logger, deprecate_warning
from rpw.utils.coerce import to_element_id
from rpw.db.builtins import BipEnum
from rpw.exceptions import RpwTypeError, RpwCoerceError
from rpw.utils.mixins import ByNameCollectMixin

class Wall(FamilyInstance):
    Inherits base ``FamilyInstance`` and overrides symbol attribute to
    get `Symbol` equivalent of Wall - WallType `(GetTypeId)`

    _revit_object_category = DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_Walls
    _revit_object_class = DB.Wall
    _collector_params = {'of_class': _revit_object_class, 'is_type': False}

    def change_type(self, wall_type_reference):
        Change Wall Type

            wall_type_reference (``ElementId``, ``WallType``, ``str``): Wall Type Reference
        wall_type = WallType.by_name_or_element_ref(wall_type_reference)
        wall_type_id = to_element_id(wall_type)

    def get_symbol(self, wrapped=True):
        """ Get Wall Type Alias """
        return self.get_wall_type(wrapped)

    def symbol(self):
        deprecate_warning('Wall.symbol', 'Wall.get_symbol()')
        return self.get_symbol(wrapped=True)

    def get_wall_type(self, wrapped=True):
        """ Get Wall Type """
        wall_type_id = self._revit_object.GetTypeId()
        wall_type = self.doc.GetElement(wall_type_id)
        return WallType(wall_type) if wrapped else wall_type

    def wall_type(self):
        deprecate_warning('Wall.wall_type', 'Wall.get_wall_type()')
        return self.get_wall_type(wrapped=True)

    def get_wall_kind(self, wrapped=True):
        wall_type = self.get_wall_type(wrapped=True)
        return wall_type.get_wall_kind(wrapped=wrapped)

    def wall_kind(self):
        deprecate_warning('Wall.wall_kind', 'Wall.get_wall_kind()')
        return self.get_wall_kind(wrapped=True)

    def get_family(self, wrapped=True):
        """ Get WallKind Alias """
        return self.get_wall_kind(wrapped=wrapped)

    def family(self):
        deprecate_warning('Wall.family', 'Wall.get_family()')
        return self.get_family(wrapped=True)

    def get_category(self, wrapped=True):
        """ Get Wall Category """
        return WallCategory(self._revit_object.Category)

    def category(self):
        """ Wrapped ``DB.Category`` of the ``DB.Wall`` """
        deprecate_warning('Wall.category', 'Wall.get_category()')
        return self.get_category(wrapped=True)

class WallType(FamilySymbol, ByNameCollectMixin):
    Inherits from :any:`FamilySymbol` and overrides:
        * :func:`wall_kind` to get the `Family` equivalent of Wall `(.Kind)`
        * Uses a different method to get instances.

    _revit_object_class = DB.WallType
    _collector_params = {'of_class': _revit_object_class, 'is_type': True}

    def get_family(self, wrapped=True):
        return self.get_wall_kind(wrapped=wrapped)

    def family(self):
        deprecate_warning('WallType.family', 'WallType.get_family()')
        return self.get_wall_kind(wrapped=True)

    def get_wall_kind(self, wrapped=True):
        """ Returns ``DB.Family`` of the Symbol """
        kind = self._revit_object.Kind
        return WallKind(kind) if wrapped else kind

    def wall_kind(self):
        """ Returns ``DB.Family`` of the Symbol """
        deprecate_warning('WallType.wall_kind', 'WallType.get_wall_kind()')
        return self.get_wall_kind(wrapped=True)

    def get_instances(self, wrapped=True):
        """ Returns all Instances of this Wall Types """
        bip = BipEnum.get_id('SYMBOL_NAME_PARAM')
        param_filter = rpw.db.ParameterFilter(bip, equals=self.name)
        return rpw.db.Collector(parameter_filter=param_filter,

    def instances(self):
        """ Returns all Instances of this Wall Types """
        deprecate_warning('WallType.instances', 'WallType.get_instances()')
        return self.get_instances(wrapped=True)

    def get_siblings(self, wrapped=True):
        wall_kind = self.get_wall_kind(wrapped=True)
        return wall_kind.get_wall_types(wrapped=wrapped)

    def siblings(self):
        deprecate_warning('WallType.siblings', 'WallType.get_siblings()')
        return self.get_siblings(wrapped=True)

    def get_category(self, wrapped=True):
        """ Get Wall Category """
        return WallCategory(self._revit_object.Category)

    def category(self):
        """ Wrapped ``DB.Category`` of the ``DB.Wall`` """
        deprecate_warning('Wall.category', 'Wall.get_category()')
        return self.get_category(wrapped=True)

# class WallKind(Family):
class WallKind(BaseObjectWrapper):
    Equivalent of ``Family`` but is Enumerator for Walls.

    Can be Basic, Stacked, Curtain, Unknown

    _revit_object_class = DB.WallKind

    def name(self):
        """ Retuns Pretty Name as shown on UI: Basic > Basic Wall """
        # Same method as Family Works, but requires Code duplication
        # Since this should not inherit from Family.
        # Solution copy code or Mixin. Or return Enum Name:  'Basic'
        # This works but requires Lookup.
        # wall_type = self.get_wall_types()[0]
        # return wall_type.parameters.builtins['SYMBOL_FAMILY_NAME_PARAM'].value
        # return '{} Wall'.format(self._revit_object.ToString())
        return self._revit_object.ToString()

    def get_symbols(self, wrapped=True):
        """ Get Wall Types Alias """
        return self.get_wall_types(wrapped=wrapped)

    def symbols(self):
        deprecate_warning('WallKind.symbols', 'WallKind.get_symbols()')
        return self.get_symbols(wrapped=True)

    def get_wall_types(self, wrapped=True):
        """ Get Wall Types Alias """
        type_collector = rpw.db.WallType.collect()
        wall_types = type_collector.get_elements(wrapped=wrapped)
        return [wall_type for wall_type in wall_types
                if wall_type.Kind == self._revit_object]

    def wall_types(self):
        deprecate_warning('WallKind.wall_types', 'WallKind.get_wall_types()')
        return self.get_wall_types(wrapped=True)

    def get_instances(self, wrapped=True):
        """ Returns all Wall instances of this given Wall Kind"""
        instances = []
        for wall_type in self.get_wall_types(wrapped=True):
        return instances

    def instances(self):
        """ Returns all Wall instances of this given Wall Kind"""
        deprecate_warning('WallKind.instances', 'WallKind.get_instances()')
        return self.get_instances(wrapped=True)

    def get_category(self, wrapped=True):
        cat = DB.Category.GetCategory(revit.doc, DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_Walls)
        return WallCategory(cat) if wrapped else cat

    def category(self):
        deprecate_warning('WallKind.category', 'WallKind.get_category()')
        return self.get_category(wrapped=True)

    def __repr__(self):
        return super(WallKind, self).__repr__({'name': self.name})

class WallCategory(Category):
    ``DB.Category`` Wall Category Wrapper

        _revit_object (DB.Family): Wrapped ``DB.Category``

    _revit_object_class = DB.Category

    def get_families(self, wrapped=True):
        """ Returns ``DB.WallKind`` elements in the category """
        wall_kinds = []
        for member in dir(DB.WallKind):
            if type(getattr(DB.WallKind, member)) is DB.WallKind:
                wall_kind = getattr(DB.WallKind, member)
                wall_kind = WallKind(wall_kind) if wrapped else wall_kind
        return wall_kinds

    def families(self):
        """ Returns ``DB.WallKind`` elements in the category """
        return self.get_families(wrapped=True)