
Element Wrapper

Element Model Wrappers provide a consitent interface for acccessing parameters and properties of commonly used elements.

class rpw.db.Element(element, doc=None)

Bases: rpw.base.BaseObjectWrapper, rpw.utils.mixins.CategoryMixin

Inheriting from element extends wrapped elements with a new parameters attribute, well as the unwrap() method inherited from the BaseObjectWrapper class.

It can be created by instantiating rpw.db.Element , or one of the helper static methods shown below.

Most importantly, all other Element-related classes inhert from this class so it can provide parameter access.

>>> from rpw import db
>>> element = db.Element(SomeElement)
>>> element = db.Element.from_id(ElementId)
>>> element = db.Element.from_int(Integer)
>>> wall = db.Element(RevitWallElement)
>>> wall.Id
>>> wall.parameters['Height'].value

The Element Constructor can be used witout specifying the exact class. On instantiation, it will attempt to map the type provided, if a match is not found, an Element will be used. If the element does not inherit from DB.Element, and exception is raised.

>>> wall_instance = db.Element(SomeWallInstance)
>>> type(wall_instance)
>>> wall_symbol = db.Element(SomeWallSymbol)
>>> type(wall_symbol)

ParameterSet – Access ParameterSet class.


ParameterSet – BuitIn ParameterSet object


Wrapped Revit Reference

__init__(element, doc=None)

Main Element Instantiation

>>> from rpw import db
>>> wall = db.Element(SomeElementId)
<rpw: WallInstance % DB.Wall >
>>> wall.parameters['Height']
>>> wall.parameters.builtins['WALL_LOCATION_LINE']
Parameters:element (Element Reference) – Can be DB.Element, DB.ElementId, or int.
Returns:Instance of Wrapped Element.
Return type:Element
static __new__(cls, element, **kwargs)

Factory Constructor will chose the best Class for the Element. This function iterates through all classes in the rpw.db module, and will find one that wraps the corresponding class. If and exact match is not found Element is used

classmethod collect(**kwargs)

Collect all elements of the wrapper using the default collector. This method is defined on the main Element wrapper, but the collector parameters are defined in each wrapper. For example, WallType uses the _collector_params: {‘of_class’: DB.WallType, ‘is_type’: True}

These default collector parameters can be overriden by passing keyword args to the collectors call.

>>> from rpw import db
>>> wall_types_collector = db.WallType.collect()
<rpw:Collector % FilteredElementCollector [count:4]>
>>> wall_types_collector.get_elements()  # All Wall Types
[<rpw:WallType [name:Wall 1] [id:1557]>, ... ]
>>> wall_types_collector.get_elements()
[<rpw:Area % DB.Area | Rentable:30.2>]
>>> rooms = db.WallInstance.collect(level="Level 1")
[<rpw:WallInstance % DB.Wall symbol:Basic Wall>]

Deletes Element from Model

static from_id(element_id, doc=None)

Instantiate Element from an ElementId

  • id (ElementId) – ElementId of Element to wrap
  • doc (DB.Document, optional) – Document of Element [default: revit.doc]

Wrapped rpw.db.Element instance

Return type:


static from_int(id_int, doc=None)

Instantiate Element from an Integer representing and Id

  • id (int) – ElementId of Element to wrap
  • doc (DB.Document, optional) – Document of Element [default: revit.doc]

Wrapped rpw.db.Element instance

Return type:


static from_list(element_references, doc=None)

Instantiate Elements from a list of DB.Element instances

Parameters:elements ([DB.Element, DB.ElementId]) – List of element references
Returns:List of rpw.db.Element instances
Return type:(list)

Name Property


Get’s Element Type using the default GetTypeId() Method. For some Elements, this is the same as element.Symbol or wall.WallType

Parameters:doc (DB.Document, optional) – Document of Element [default: revit.doc]
Returns:Wrapped rpw.db.Element element type
Return type:(Element)


import rpw
from rpw import revit, DB
from rpw.db.parameter import Parameter, ParameterSet
from rpw.base import BaseObjectWrapper
from rpw.exceptions import RpwException, RpwWrongStorageType
from rpw.exceptions import RpwParameterNotFound, RpwTypeError
from rpw.utils.logger import logger, deprecate_warning
from rpw.utils.mixins import CategoryMixin
from rpw.db.builtins import BicEnum, BipEnum
from rpw.utils.coerce import to_element_ids

class Element(BaseObjectWrapper, CategoryMixin):
    Inheriting from element extends wrapped elements with a new :class:`parameters`
    attribute, well as the :func:`unwrap` method inherited from the :any:`BaseObjectWrapper` class.

    It can be created by instantiating ``rpw.db.Element`` , or one of the helper
    static methods shown below.

    Most importantly, all other `Element-related` classes inhert from this class
    so it can provide parameter access.

    >>> from rpw import db
    >>> element = db.Element(SomeElement)
    >>> element = db.Element.from_id(ElementId)
    >>> element = db.Element.from_int(Integer)

    >>> wall = db.Element(RevitWallElement)
    >>> wall.Id
    >>> wall.parameters['Height'].value

    The ``Element`` Constructor can be used witout specifying the
    exact class. On instantiation, it will attempt to map the type provided,
    if a match is not found, an Element will be used.
    If the element does not inherit from DB.Element, and exception is raised.

    >>> wall_instance = db.Element(SomeWallInstance)
    >>> type(wall_instance)
    >>> wall_symbol = db.Element(SomeWallSymbol)
    >>> type(wall_symbol)


        parameters (:any:`ParameterSet`): Access :any:`ParameterSet` class.
        parameters.builtins (:any:`ParameterSet`): BuitIn :any:`ParameterSet` object

        unwrap(): Wrapped Revit Reference


    _revit_object_class = DB.Element

    def __new__(cls, element, **kwargs):
        Factory Constructor will chose the best Class for the Element.
        This function iterates through all classes in the rpw.db module,
        and will find one that wraps the corresponding class. If and exact
        match is not found :any:`Element` is used
        defined_wrapper_classes = rpw.db.__all__

        _revit_object_class = cls._revit_object_class

        if element is None:
            raise RpwTypeError('Element or Element Child', 'None')

        # TODO: Handle double wrapping
        if hasattr(element, 'unwrap'):
            raise RpwTypeError('revit element', 'wrapped element: {}'.format(element))

        # Ensure Wrapped Element is instance of Class Wrapper or decendent
        if not isinstance(element, _revit_object_class):
            raise RpwTypeError(_revit_object_class.__name__,

        # Ensure Wrapped Element is instance of Class Wrapper or decendent
        if not isinstance(element, _revit_object_class):
            raise RpwTypeError(_revit_object_class, element.__class__)

        # If explicit constructor was called, use that and skip discovery
        if type(element) is _revit_object_class:
            return super(Element, cls).__new__(cls, element, **kwargs)

        for wrapper_class in defined_wrapper_classes:
            class_name = wrapper_class.__name__
            if type(element) is getattr(wrapper_class, '_revit_object_class', None):
                # Found Mathing Class, Use Wrapper
                # print('Found Mathing Class, Use Wrapper: {}'.format(class_name))
                return super(Element, cls).__new__(wrapper_class, element, **kwargs)
            # Could Not find a Matching Class, Use Element if related
            return super(Element, cls).__new__(cls, element, **kwargs)

        # No early return. Should not reach this point
        element_class_name = element.__class__.__name__
        raise RpwException('Factory does not support type: {}'.format(element_class_name))

    def __init__(self, element, doc=None):
        Main Element Instantiation

        >>> from rpw import db
        >>> wall = db.Element(SomeElementId)
        <rpw: WallInstance % DB.Wall >
        >>> wall.parameters['Height']
        >>> wall.parameters.builtins['WALL_LOCATION_LINE']

            element (`Element Reference`): Can be ``DB.Element``, ``DB.ElementId``, or ``int``.

            :class:`Element`: Instance of Wrapped Element.

        # rpw.ui.forms.Console(context=locals())
        super(Element, self).__init__(element)
        self.doc = element.Document if doc is None else revit.doc
        if isinstance(element, DB.Element):
            # WallKind Inherits from Family/Element, but is not Element,
            # so ParameterSet fails. Parameters are only added if Element
            # inherits from element
            # NOTE: This is no longer the case. Verify if it can be removed
            self.parameters = ParameterSet(element)

    def type(self):
        Get's Element Type using the default GetTypeId() Method.
        For some Elements, this is the same as ``element.Symbol`` or ``wall.WallType``

            doc (``DB.Document``, optional): Document of Element [default: revit.doc]

            (``Element``): Wrapped ``rpw.db.Element`` element type

        element_type_id = self._revit_object.GetTypeId()
        element_type = self._revit_object.Document.GetElement(element_type_id)
        return Element(element_type)

    def name(self):
        """ Name Property """
        return DB.Element.Name.__get__(self.unwrap())

    def name(self, value):
        """ Name Property Setter """
        return DB.Element.Name.__set__(self.unwrap(), value)

    def collect(cls, **kwargs):
        Collect all elements of the wrapper using the default collector.
        This method is defined on the main Element wrapper, but the
        collector parameters are defined in each wrapper. For example,
        :any:`WallType` uses the `_collector_params`:
        {'of_class': DB.WallType, 'is_type': True}

        These default collector parameters can be overriden by passing keyword
        args to the collectors call.

        >>> from rpw import db
        >>> wall_types_collector = db.WallType.collect()
        <rpw:Collector % FilteredElementCollector [count:4]>
        >>> wall_types_collector.get_elements()  # All Wall Types
        [<rpw:WallType [name:Wall 1] [id:1557]>, ... ]
        >>> wall_types_collector.get_elements()
        [<rpw:Area % DB.Area | Rentable:30.2>]
        >>> rooms = db.WallInstance.collect(level="Level 1")
        [<rpw:WallInstance % DB.Wall symbol:Basic Wall>]

        _collector_params = getattr(cls, '_collector_params', None)

        if _collector_params:
            return rpw.db.Collector(**kwargs)
            raise RpwException('Wrapper cannot collect by class: {}'.format(cls.__name__))

    def from_int(id_int, doc=None):
        Instantiate Element from an Integer representing and Id

            id (``int``): ElementId of Element to wrap
            doc (``DB.Document``, optional): Document of Element [default: revit.doc]

            (``Element``): Wrapped ``rpw.db.Element`` instance
        doc = revit.doc if doc is None else doc
        element_id = DB.ElementId(id_int)
        return Element.from_id(element_id, doc=doc)

    def from_id(element_id, doc=None):
        Instantiate Element from an ElementId

            id (``ElementId``): ElementId of Element to wrap
            doc (``DB.Document``, optional): Document of Element [default: revit.doc]

            (``Element``): Wrapped ``rpw.db.Element`` instance

        doc = doc or revit.doc
        element = doc.GetElement(element_id)
        return Element(element)

    def from_list(element_references, doc=None):
        Instantiate Elements from a list of DB.Element instances

            elements (``[DB.Element, DB.ElementId]``): List of element references

            (``list``): List of ``rpw.db.Element`` instances

        doc = doc or revit.doc
            return [Element(e) for e in element_references]
        except RpwTypeError:
            element_ids = to_element_ids(element_references)
            return [Element.from_id(id_, doc=doc) for id_ in element_ids]
        except RpwTypeError:

    def Factory(element):
        deprecate_warning('Element.Factory()', replaced_by='Element()')
        return Element(element)

    def delete(self):
        """ Deletes Element from Model """

    def __repr__(self, data=None):
        if data is None:
            data = {}
        element_id = getattr(self._revit_object, 'Id', None)
        if element_id:
            data.update({'id': element_id})
        return super(Element, self).__repr__(data=data)